Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dear Hillary

Many people, myself included, are urging Hillary Clinton--should she win only slightly, by a squeaker or not at all in Pennsylvania, to give up. If you're a Hillary Clinton supporter, we hope that in such an event, you'll write her a "Dear John" letter. And now there is a place where you can do so.

And just for clarification, I'm not a "Hillary Hater," and never have been. There was a time when I'd have been as happy with her as anyone for the nominee. But unless she pulls of a miracle tonight, the math is decidedly against her. If the Democratic Party is going to unify by November, we're going to need as much time as possible to lick our respective wounds, and come together. Now just may be the time.

Write a breakup letter to Hillary Clinton here: Nice Try Give Up

As I alluded to earlier, I am busy this evening, so this is probably my last post for the calendar day. At this writing, MSNBC has flopped their "Obama slightly in the lead" story to a massive lead by Hillary Clinton: 66% - 33%, or thereabouts. Now, mind you, this is with 0% (not a number, by the way) of the votes tabulated. With that big a swing, and that unlikely a flop, it would seem anything could happen.
It is still my desire, unless Mrs. C keeps a lead that huge, for this thing to be over. Now, if she wins by 30 points, I might have to re-evaluate my position. But my gut feeling is, that a win that huge is unlikely. Stay tuned. You'll probably know before I do!

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